Posted in Off-Grid, Tiny Cabins

Back in Paradise

The Floathouse May 2021

Well, it has been a minute!

I have been a little distracted by what is going on in the world right now. Working in mental health has been rewarding, and tiring, during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am grateful that I have a job, thankful that I can work from home, and that I have a home. This was not alway to case for me. I am also very grateful that I have had our completely off-grid paradise to escape to and haul big rocks around for my own mental health.

Ok, enough yammering about me 😉 I am posting an update on our little piece of Manitoulin paradise. It is a work in progress, which has been the best part, dreaming and scheming, trying to find the coolest ways to get our creature comforts out in the bush.

Greenhouse @ The Floathouse

I have always wanted a greenhouse, never really had a place for one. Meet my “Apocalypse Garden”! I set this up on one weekend and then next time we were up, it was upside down. Mother nature 1, Heather 0. Ok, I am now working with the wind, hence no roof at this time. Figuring that out so it doesn’t go all Dorothy on me again. Will keep you posted.

I am trying to recycle and reuse as much as possible and not buy more stuff. Here is a peak inside:

Love the Glow at Night!
The Gardens – Coming Soon!

Like any good Uke, I have planted MANY potatoes! and of course a bunch of other cool yummy plants, some started from seed. My awesome friend Karin gave me the coolest gift, “My Little Vegetable Garden”, a seed multipack designed for the bone chilling Canadian climate. Check out Oh! Canada Seeds, unbelievable seeds and cute packaging, which is always kryptonite for me.

Summer Projects

This year we are getting all hippie and harvesting rainwater for all kinds of good stuff like showers. I know, not so hippie, but there will be incense during in the outdoor shower! The soffits, facia and gutters will be installed soon. Robin has worked so hard to complete the roof of both breezeways, now we’ll have a massive roof to collect all kinds of water from the “west end drizzle”.

Because I am a bit of a moth to a Pinterest flame, I decided I needed (wanted) a wood fired hot tub. But, because I am a little bit Alberta/Manitoba prairie redneck still, it needs to be made from a farm stock tank and a clothes dryer drum. Here is the start, stay tuned for the progression this summer 🙂

Wood Fired Hot Tub – Waitin’ on the Copper Tubing

And this is how I got the stock tank to the Floathouse…yes, this Alberta gurl wishes she had a truck…someday my wish will come true #RamTrucks. Yes, the old farmer at Northland Agromart laughed at me hysterically…but a gurl’s gotta do what a gurl’s gotta do…ok, yes, it was embarrassing 🙂

Moving on…

Just a quick little update for family and friends, ’cause this place is a little hard to explain sometimes, and I know it is not for everyone, but my husband is brilliant at designing, and building, what I love ❤

Over and out, with a few fun pics from the past couple weeks.


I currently work at Canadian college where I have the privilege of spending time with wonderful students in a mental health and wellness capacity. It has been a 26-year journey in counselling, psychotherapy, research, program development and teaching, where I have had the opportunity to be challenged and nudged into a life that I feel so grateful to be living. This is not what I ever imagined possible, with the multiple barriers and challenges I was born into. Education, and mental health support along the way, changed the trajectory of my life. It has been through my academic travels that I have increased opportunity in my life and have benefitted from the encouraged opportunity to "lean in" and take on life trials by addressing the inevitable barriers. It was NOT easy, but well worth the mental resilience I fostered in myself along the way. This was through incredible professors, the structure and challenge of the academic environment and many inspiring students, that I encountered on my personal and professional path, that supported, encouraged and nudged me when the journey became overwhelming and hard. This has led me to living a life I could not have even imagined 30 years ago when I thought that my life circumstances were not conducive to change or living a life of safety, security and “having enough”. My sabbatical year, 2019-20, opened the opportunity to take on another life challenge that has terrified me, creating my own business. Through Changing Minds, I want to bring my passion to life by creating accessible mental health support in my community, and on this platform. I want to use my personal and professional experience to help, support and encourage others to live their most authentic life, infused with the wisdom of psychology and self-compassion. People are not broken, often we just haven't been exposed to the knowledge about how our brain works, and have not had the opportunity to develop personal skills/knowledge needed to meet the challenges in our lives. “The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination”. Carl Rogers

5 thoughts on “Back in Paradise

  1. Love it Heather! I so enjoy your posts and hearing about your plans! We’re also at our little piece of heaven for a few days. We sold our house and bought a town house that we can lock up and escape to the north. We plan on living up here from May to October. We move on June 15. Like you, so excited and full of plans for the cottage. Wayne is a good Ukie boy and has his garden planted too. This year he wants to build a pizza oven to add to our outdoor kitchen. We love our outdoor shower, it’s the only one we have! We’re going to build a garage/workshop here this summer and a wood shed. Can’t wait!

    Take care and keep the stories coming! I’m inspired to burn incense in the shower now!


    On Sat., May 29, 2021, 1:34 p.m. The Float House, wrote:

    > Dr. Heather Drummond, C.Psych. posted: ” The Floathouse May 2021 Well, it > has been a minute! I have been a little distracted by what is going on in > the world right now. Working in mental health has been rewarding, and > tiring, during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am grateful that I have a job,” >

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sherri!!! So great to see your name!!! I am thrilled that you have a paradise too!!! Would love to see pics 🙂 what a great idea to go to townhouse living….lock, load and leave!

      Wayne is a good Ukie! Potatoes AND pizza!!!! Carbs carbs carbs….mmmmmmm!


  2. Love, love, love the hot tub!! Can’t wait to see the final product. Enjoy the garden – we are growing veggies too, but like you, there cannot be enough potatoes! I planted 3 varieties this year! Your piece of paradise is amazing! Living your best life!! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

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